This fonds consists of 1 cm of textual material comprised of one report prepared for the Northern Canada Power Commission in 1984 entitled "A Natural Boundary to Divide the Northwest Territories" and a copy of "NicPic News". The report examined a number of issues concerning the division of the Northwest Territories including: topography, natural resources and patterns of traditional use. "Nicpic News", the official newspaper of the Northern Canada Power Commission, is dated 1971, and reports on activities, programmes and staff happenings in the Northern Canada Power Commission.
Northwest Territories Power Corporation (1988-present)
Part of Northwest Territories Power Corporation fonds
It includes one report entitled "A Natural Boundary to Divide the Northwest Territories," and an April 1972 issue of Nicpic News, the official newspaper of the Northern Canada Power Commission.
G-1993-001: 1-1
Part of Northwest Territories Power Corporation fonds
One folder consisting of a report prepared for the Northern Canada Power Commission in 1984 entitled A Natural Boundary to Divide the Northwest Territories, and one issue of Nicpic News from April 1971, reporting on activities, programmes and staff happenings in the Northern Canada Power Commission.