This accession consists of records from the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs' School of Community Government, relating to training programs, occupational standards and certification, and the Community Development Fund. The records include course delivery records and reports, course outlines, student manuals, instructor guide, occupational standards and DACUM charts, briefing notes, speaking notes, and community development reports.
This accession consists of material records from the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs and its predecessor, the Department of Local Government relating to community planning and zoning. The records include correspondence, bylaws and bylaw check sheets, Council minutes, news articles, development appeals, public hearing minutes and other comments, presentation notes, municipal and community plans, land use plans, development maps, Rae-Edzo Community Planning Report 1987, Fort Simpson Island Airport Runway Inspection and Evaluation, and material relating to the legal surveys, including background information.
Zoning map for the Hay River-Enterprise Corridor showing areas for market gardening, residential, resource extraction, rural recreation and open space, rural industrial, and hinterland in Enterprise, Paradise Gardens, Market Gardens, and Delancey Estates.
Map from the Rae-Edzo Community Planning Report 1987 showing a conceptual development plan with zones for residential, commercial-institutional, school reserve, recreational, industrial, airport, and cemetery.
Map from the Rae-Edzo Community Planning Report 1987 showing proposed roads and road names, and existing buildings in the Rae townsite.
Map from the Rae-Edzo Community Planning Report 1987 showing proposed connector road, emergency airport access road, airstrip development area, immediate and long-term expansion areas, existing and future cemetery, and commercial institutional core in the Rae townsite.
Map from the Rae-Edzo Community Planning Report 1987 showing existing development, immediate, medium-term, and long-term expansion, a proposed campground, a proposed airstrip, and joint use agreement area.
Map from the Rae-Edzo Community Planning Report 1987 showing the municipal boundary and block land transfer boundary.
Map from the Rae-Edzo Community Planning Report 1987 showing the drainage basins of the western Northwest Territories, including Great Slave, Riviere Martre, Great Bear, and Coppermine.
Map from the Rae-Edzo Community Planning Report 1987 showing the location of the community (Behchokǫ̀) in relation to other communities in the western Northwest Territories.
Annotated map of Norman Wells, showing residential, industrial, commercial, and school and playground areas.
Land Use Zoning Plan for Norman Wells Plate 1 showing hinterland and industrial areas and the locations of the other plates 2-6.
Zoning map for Hay River, showing areas for park and recreation, residential, commercial, industrial, transportation, and open area reserve.
Zoning bylaw map for Hay River showing areas for residential, institutional, parks and recreation, utility, industrial, commercial, transportation, urban reserve, hinterland, and floodway risk.
Future land use plan for Hay River, showing areas for hinterland, landfill, park/open space, residential, institutional, commercial, industrial, transportation, and tourism.
Preliminary Land Use Plan for Fort Resolution showing elevations.
Preliminary Land Use Plan for Fort Resolution showing residential, commercial, recreational, institutional/community, open space, and special study areas.