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Archival description
[Grise Fiord]
G-1979-023: 1892 · Item · 1967
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Information fonds

Eskimo [Inuit] children [and woman in wheel chair] along the shore, Grise Fiord [wooden schooner and stacks of fuel drums on beach, Coast Guard vessel out on ice -filled bay]. Taken by Lynn Ball, 1967. [The woman in the wheelchair is Anna Nungaq, Sam Killiktee is on the far right and Harry Flaherty.]

[Grise Fiord]

This load of furs represents a full season's trapping for this Eastern Arctic Eskimo [Inuit] family. [Mary Panipakoocho Innualuk (E5-928), Markusie Innualuk (E5-927) and Boaz Innualuk on the back of the ammautik], settlement of Grise Fiord.

G-1979-023: 0001 · Item · [1960s]
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Information fonds

Eskimos [Inuit] at Frobisher Bay [Iqaluit] broadcasting the new ways. Photographer unknown. [A young Inuit woman, identified as Ann Mikijuk Hanson, holds microphone towards an older Inuit woman who has a pipe in her mouth].