This accession consists of a film entitled "Prohibition in the North," a coproduction of the Government of the Northwest Territories' Department of Information and ACCESS. Directed by Peter Crass, the film outlines different systems of liquor control (prohibition, rationing and local control) in four different communities.
Northwest Territories. Department of Information (1967-1985)The records are from the Central Registry file system and contain files from the following program areas: Director's Monthly Meetings (11 block) and the Directorate (13 block).
Included are images of communities; buildings; indigenous animals; landmarks; Distant Early Warning (DEW) Line sites; people; special events; Anglican and Catholic Missions; schools; Dene and Inuit involved in traditional activities; and landscapes. The images would have been used in government publications and displays.
Much of the accession is currently unidentified. Some of the identified reels of film concern events in the Northwest Territories, such as the Commissioner's tour of the central arctic, 1970 Arctic Winter Games, Caribou Carnival in Yellowknife, Camp Unity and a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) production on whaling in the north.
These files were from the Central Registry and were from the following Central Registry blocks: Policy (11-000) which contains files about departmental and territorial policy and directives; Settlements (11-004) contains files on Rae, Port Burwell, Iqaluit and Fort Smith; Tours (11-005) contains files on the Commissioner's Tours of the Arctic; Publications (11-006) contains copies of the GNWT publication 'H.Q. Bulletin' and Communications (11-012) contains files relating to the development of community broadcast stations in the north.
Records include photographs documenting activities at the 1978 Arctic Winter Games held in Hay River. Many of the images show dignitaries, opening or closing ceremonies, sporting events and other social events.
Records include moving images, photographs, and one file of reports generated by trips taken by Commissioner Stuart Hodgson. The Commissioners' Tours included visits to the upper Mackenzie, Nahanni and Liard River Area (June 2-6, 1969), the central arctic (Aug. 25 - Sept. 5, 1969), the Mackenzie Delta (Oct. 13-19, 1970), and the central arctic (May 5-8, 1971). One of the films contains a narrative by Commissioner Hodgson on the Arctic Winter Games.
Records consists of brochures on varied topics such as translation services, the NWT visual identity program, regional information (mostly the Keewatin region) and 6 years of weekly Territorial bulletins (incomplete run).
One series of 10 posters is titled "Northern Legacy" and includes scenic images of the Northwest Territories, wildlife and northern residents. A second series of 5 posters is titled "Arctic Wildlife." The images depicted include both the Arctic and Sub-Arctic regions of the Northwest Territories.
The moving images document a project to build a mooseskin boat. The text consists of copies of the daily journals of the project kept by Beryl Gillespie and a copy of her final summary report. The 17 photographs were taken by Beryl Gillespie.
Accession consists of an Analysis of the Dene Language Information Review, as well as Dene Traditional Life Series and Inuit Traditional Life Series.