[LeMouel's house at 38 Morrison Drive, Latham Island, Yellowknife.]
Eskimo [Inuit] children [and woman in wheel chair] along the shore, Grise Fiord [wooden schooner and stacks of fuel drums on beach, Coast Guard vessel out on ice -filled bay]. Taken by Lynn Ball, 1967. [The woman in the wheelchair is Anna Nungaq, Sam Killiktee is on the far right and Harry Flaherty.]
An Eskimo [Inuit] hunter in his kayak, Pelly Bay [now called Kugaaruk]. Taken by Doug Wilkinson, 1960.
Eskimo [Inuit] women cutting up white whale [Two women cutting beluga in water].
Eskimos [Inuit family. Rynee Flaherty, Joseph Flaherty and child at Grise Fiord]. Taken by Lynn Ball, 1967.
This load of furs represents a full season's trapping for this Eastern Arctic Eskimo [Inuit] family. [Mary Panipakoocho Innualuk (E5-928), Markusie Innualuk (E5-927) and Boaz Innualuk on the back of the ammautik], settlement of Grise Fiord.
Eskimo [Inuit] camp near Texas Gulf and Sulphur mining camp on Strathcona Sound. [Rectangular white canvas] tents are oil heated. Komatik in foreground. Taken by Lynn Ball, [1967].
Eskimo woman and child [Inuit woman poses with children].
Ready for the trail, an Eskimo [Inuit] komatik (dog sled) fully loaded [A man stands by a komatik, Eastern Arctic].
White sports hunter and 3 Eskimo [Inuvialuit] guides view skeleton of whale on the beach near Tuktoyaktuk.
Eskimos [Inuvialuit men] extracting teeth from a freshly caught white whale [probably near Tuktoyaktuk].
Eskimo [Inuit] boys [lean against outside wall of white building], Clyde River, NWT.
Eskimo [group of 6 Inuit] children posed outside [bay beyond], Clyde River, NWT.
Eskimos [Inuit men, women and children outside houses], Broughton and Padloping area [Broughton Island].
Thirty-three foot boat [Schooner called "Reindeer" - once belonged to Lennie Inglangasuk] on shore in Tuktoyaktuk on the Beaufort Sea [2 children on deck]. Taken by Ted Grant, 1967.
Eskimo [Inuit] dog sled is called a "komatik" [2 komatiks on beach with gear in boxes and bags, 2 men and one woman nearby]. Taken by Lynn Ball, 1967.
Eskimo [Inuit] family - Ongersin Fiord Point. [Inuit man and woman with 5 children stand in front of camp or settlement dwellings, Baffin Region? High Arctic Region?] Taken by Lynn Ball, 1967.
Eskimos [Inuit] at Frobisher Bay [Iqaluit] broadcasting the new ways. Photographer unknown. [A young Inuit woman, identified as Ann Mikijuk Hanson, holds microphone towards an older Inuit woman who has a pipe in her mouth].
Inuvik at midnight, July [aerial view of buildings including Sir Alexander Mackenzie School]. Taken by Mersereau.
[Three Inuit girls in church choir gowns and hats, Coral Harbour? ca.1971.][in front is Rosie Oolooyuk and behind her is Nancy Taleriktok of Eskimo Point/Arviat]]