[Man, standing, speaks at Latham Island redevelopment meeting at the Yellowknife Public School gymnasium]
[Latham Island redevelopment meeting at the Yellowknife Public School gymnasium. Fred Henne (centre), Brian Purdy?.]
[View of houses in Rainbow Valley (or Lot 500; now Ndilo) on Latham Island, Yellowknife March 1971]
[Children and adults eating a meal at the Tree of Peace Kindergarten. Twin sisters Berna and Bernice Drygeese their cousins Robert Drygeese and Leroy Betsina. Photographer: Tom Ross]
[A child (Robert Drygeese) eating a snack at the Tree of Peace kindergarten. Photographer: Tom Ross.]
[Two children eating a snack. Bessie Black and Berna Drygeese]
[Two children wearing award ribbons. Twin girls Berna and Bernice Drygeese]
[Woman (Alice Sanderson) sewing in Lutselk'e (Snowdrift)]. Photographer: Dorothy Chocolate]
[Ed Lafferty (or Ed Sanderson) (Fort Providence)]
[Francois King (turned 75 in October 1978) outside the Slave River Sawmill Ltd., Fort Resolution. Published in Native Press newspaper October 13, 1978, page 13. Photographer: Nancy Heron.]
[Burger King and KFC signs on building. 51 Street behind Sutherland drugs in Yellowknife] July 1972
[Brian Tobie (not Toby), 2 1/2 year old son of Joe and Helen Tobie, in a parka and fur hat (made by Helen) and holding a candy at the Dettah (Detah) Christmas party. Published in Native Press newspaper January 11, 1980, page 15. Photographer: Tessa Macintosh.]
[Second place winner Guy Erasmus (left) and Jimmy Essery at the Yellowknife Dog Trotter's Sixth Annual Thirty Mile Race. Photographer: Lee Selleck. Published in Native Press newspaper February 11, 1983, page 23]
[A portrait of elder Vic Lafferty (born January 1914) and another man (Alex Beaulieu). Photographer: Dorothy Chocolate. Another portrait of Lafferty is published in Native Press, September 24, 1982, page 24 and October 8, 1982, page 10]
[Caribou Carnival, Yellowknife? Man (Clem Paul) sawing wood (Caribou King competition). Published in Native Press newspaper April 10, 1981, pg. 6. Photographer: Tom Ross]
[Cecelia Smith (teacher) and children (Keith Sangris, ?, twins Bernice and Berna Drygeese) eating a meal at the Tree of Peace Kindergarten. Photographer: Tom Ross or Celine Mackenzie. Published in Native Press newspaper March 21, 1980, page 10]
[Man in Fort Providence. Larry DeMill, President of the Alberta Metis Nation. Photographer: Tapwe Chretien]
[Two girls blowing bubbles with bubble gum. l-r: Iris Catholique and Sia Catholique. Photographer: Lee Selleck]
[Kim LeMouel (later Burton, then de Vries)]
[Henry Squirrel, Native Communications Society staff or board member in the office in Yellowknife. Photographer: Marc Casaway]