[Ed Lafferty (or Ed Sanderson) (Fort Providence)]
[Francois King (turned 75 in October 1978) outside the Slave River Sawmill Ltd., Fort Resolution. Published in Native Press newspaper October 13, 1978, page 13. Photographer: Nancy Heron.]
[Burger King and KFC signs on building. 51 Street behind Sutherland drugs in Yellowknife] July 1972
[Brian Tobie (not Toby), 2 1/2 year old son of Joe and Helen Tobie, in a parka and fur hat (made by Helen) and holding a candy at the Dettah (Detah) Christmas party. Published in Native Press newspaper January 11, 1980, page 15. Photographer: Tessa Macintosh.]
[Second place winner Guy Erasmus (left) and Jimmy Essery at the Yellowknife Dog Trotter's Sixth Annual Thirty Mile Race. Photographer: Lee Selleck. Published in Native Press newspaper February 11, 1983, page 23]
[A portrait of elder Vic Lafferty (born January 1914) and another man (Alex Beaulieu). Photographer: Dorothy Chocolate. Another portrait of Lafferty is published in Native Press, September 24, 1982, page 24 and October 8, 1982, page 10]
[Caribou Carnival, Yellowknife? Man (Clem Paul) sawing wood (Caribou King competition). Published in Native Press newspaper April 10, 1981, pg. 6. Photographer: Tom Ross]
[Cecelia Smith (teacher) and children (Keith Sangris, ?, twins Bernice and Berna Drygeese) eating a meal at the Tree of Peace Kindergarten. Photographer: Tom Ross or Celine Mackenzie. Published in Native Press newspaper March 21, 1980, page 10]
[Man in Fort Providence. Larry DeMill, President of the Alberta Metis Nation. Photographer: Tapwe Chretien]
[Two girls blowing bubbles with bubble gum. l-r: Iris Catholique and Sia Catholique. Photographer: Lee Selleck]
[Kim LeMouel (later Burton, then de Vries)]
[Henry Squirrel, Native Communications Society staff or board member in the office in Yellowknife. Photographer: Marc Casaway]
[Bernadette (not Albertine) Thom translating for Treaty Party in Fort Providence. Andy Theriault (left), Wally Gryba (centre-right), and Vital Bonnetrouge (right). Published in Native Press newspaper on August 29, 1973 page 11]
[Canadian Forces airplane (Canadair CF 100 Canuck) static display air show at Yellowknife Airport YZF]
[Charlie Snowshoe of Fort McPherson (Ted Blondin?) at the second Yellowknife Constitutional Conference. Photographer: Lee Selleck]
[Crowd, with woman (Mary Evans) and child in foreground, watches the air show. Photographer: Liz Jensen]
[Yellowknife Native Women's Group. Kneeling L-R: Vitaline Lafferty (President), Eliza Lawrence (Co-ordinator), Beatrice Daniels (Board member), Alice Tsetta (Vice-president), Renda Coe (Treasurer). Top l-r: Velma Popma, Alizette Potfighter, Gohdli Betsina (or Madeline Sangris), Helen Mackenzie, ?, Nancy Heron?, Maria Sangris, Therese Sangris, Mary Adele Doctor, Madeline Goulet, Rose Betsina, Mary Beniah, Mary Jane Mackenzie. Published in Native Press newspaper on September 30, 1977 page 7. Photographer: Tony Buggins]
[Tree of Peace kindergarten student drawing][Philip Joe Goulet]
[Bessie Joy? Woman shopping at the Northern Images store in YK Mall. Photographer: Tessa Macintosh]
[Chief Alexis Arrowmaker with interpreter Peter Liske at N.W.T. Water Board public meeting at the Yellowknife Inn. Arthur Redshaw (centre, table)]