Human settlements

Elements area



Scope note(s)

  • Here are entered works relating to localities or communities in which people live.

Source note(s)

  • LCSH

Display note(s)

    Hierarchical terms

    Human settlements

    Equivalent terms

    Human settlements

    • UF Communities
    • UF Human habitat
    • UF Street scenes
    • UF Towns
    • UF Villages
    • UF Cities

    Associated terms

    Human settlements

    231 Archival description results for Human settlements

    202 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
    Echo Lidster fonds
    211 · Fonds · 1966-1977

    This fonds consists of 513 colour slides, 8 colour prints, 2 original master sound cassettes and 2 DAT audiocassettes. The original two audiocassettes were copied to DAT circa 1995-1996. The DAT cassettes now constitute the archival masters. The two DAT audio cassettes (items :0522 and :0523) document the first meeting of the Great Slave Lake Housing Association which was held at Hay River in July, 1969. The 513 colour slides (items :0001 to :0513) and the colour prints (items :0514 to :0521) depict a variety of northern communities. Twenty of the slides (items :0366 to :0385) are copies of images taken by Sister B. Matte, a Grey Nun who worked in Rae in the 1960s and 1970s. Many of these images illustrate the social conditions, which existed in the 1960s and 1970s. A large number of images focus upon education in the north; depicting schools, adult education centres, teachers and students. There are also many images, which depict types of housing found in various communities. Subjects covered include education, housing, transportation, a Royal Canadian Mounted Police ceremony to honour Special Constables in the north, recreational activities, Caribou Carnivals in Yellowknife, Sports Day activities in Pangnirtung in 1971, and Toonik Tyme festivities in Frobisher Bay (Iqaluit) circa 1970. Communities depicted include: Arctic Bay, Baker Lake, Cambridge Bay, Colville Lake, Coppermine, Detah (Dettah), Eskimo Point (Arviat), Fort Chimo, Fort Good Hope, Fort Liard, Fort McPherson, Fort Norman, Fort Providence, Fort Simpson, Fort Smith, Fort Wrigley, Frobisher Bay (Iqaluit), Hall Beach, Hay River, Igloolik, Inuvik, Nahanni Butte, Norman Wells, Pangnirtung, Pelly Bay, Pond Inlet, Port Burwell, Rae-Edzo, Rankin Inlet, Repulse Bay, Sachs Harbour, Spence Bay (Taloyoak), Tuktoyaktuk and Yellowknife.

    Lidster, Echo
    Robert van't Hoff fonds
    16 · Fonds · 1946-1948, 1994

    This fonds consists of 75 black and white negatives. 74 of the negatives were taken from August 1946 to May 1948 and are cellulose nitrate. One negative was taken in June, 1994 as a comparison to an earlier image of the same location. The photographs feature the locations of Port Radium, Yellowknife, and Norman Wells. Subjects include an Eldorado Mining and Refining, Ltd. camp, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals stations, airplanes, Governor General Alexander's 1947 visit to the Northwest Territories, the Imperial Oil Limited camp and a Royal Canadian Mounted Police dog patrol. Most of the images were photographed by Robert van't Hoff, however two images are credited to Henry Busse.

    van't Hoff, Robert
    Sam Hansen fonds
    62 · Fonds · 1918-1948; (predominant 1930-1940)

    The fonds consists of 36 copy negatives of photographs taken between 1918-1848 in the Yellowknife area. The majority of the images were taken between 1930-1940 and depict buildings in Yellowknife, Con mine, floatplanes, people and the Great Bear Lake region.

    Hanson, Sam
    20 · Fonds · 1993

    This fonds consists of 5 audio cassettes containing interviews with elders that lived in the Salt River area in the 1920s and 1930s, including Francois King Beaulieu, Maria Brown, Vincent Beaulieu, Liza Schaefer, Francois Laviolette and Fred Dawson. The topics of the interviews include a history of the Beaulieu family, housing construction, animal husbandry, farming and the effect of the flood that took place at the Salt River Settlement in the 1930s. The fonds also contains 3 cm of textual material which includes Chipewyan transcripts and English translations of the sound recordings.

    Salt River Settlement Oral History Project
    Warren Schmitke fonds
    114 · Fonds · 1976-1978

    This fonds consists of 132 colour slides of Camp Canol. Included in the images are winter and summer scenes, views of buildings and equipment, and scenes of the camp being burned.

    Schmitke, Warren
    G-1979-003-S07 · Series · 1963-1970
    Part of Canada. Northern Administration Branch fonds

    The 1000 block covers general information about settlements, Indian, Metis and Inuit, and associations representing them, sensitive or confidential material, federal government operations not under Northern Affairs Branch, and miscellaneous subjects. The block contains the following series:

    • [1000-1009] General
    • [1010-1019] Miscellaneous Subjects
    G-1992-052 · Accession · [1975-1990]
    Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Culture and Communications fonds

    The collection is comprised of photographs that were deleted from the files in 1992. Themes include: the Legislative Assembly, Members of the Legislative Assembly and the Executive; as well as involvement of the Government of the Northwest Territories in housing, education and training, arts and crafts, tourism, transportation and industry. Also included are images documenting native land use, community activities, facilities, special events and people. Tessa Macintosh, the photographer for the Government of the NWT, took the majority of the photographs.

    Northwest Territories. Department of Culture and Communications. Radio and Television Services division

    The recordings contain three programs including "MLA", (item :0001), which examines people's expectations and attitudes toward government, and explains the election process as well as the workings of the Legislative Assembly; "Home Maintenance--N.W.T.H.C.", (item :0002), and "Home Maintenance--C.M.H.C.", (item :0002), uses interviews to provide information on GNWT and federal government home repair programs.

    Northwest Territories. Department of Culture and Communications. Language Bureau
    G-1992-002 · Accession · [1951?-198-?]
    Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Culture and Communications fonds

    The collection is comprised of photographs that were deleted from the files up to early 1990. Themes include involvement of the GNWT in housing, education and training, arts and crafts, tourism, transportation and industry. Also included are images documenting native land use, community activities, facilities, special events and people.

    Northwest Territories. Department of Culture and Communications. Radio and Television Services division
    G-1991-001 · Accession · [1957? to 198-?]
    Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Culture and Communications fonds

    The collection is comprised of photographs that were deleted from the files up to early 1990. Themes include involvement of the Government of the Northwest Territories in housing, education and training, arts and crafts, tourism, transportation and industry. Also included are images documenting native land use, community activities, facilities, special events (Royal visits) and people.

    Northwest Territories. Department of Culture and Communications. Radio and Television Services division
    G-1990-007 · Accession · [1955?-1988?]
    Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Culture and Communications fonds

    The collection is comprised of photographs that were deleted from the files up to early 1990. Themes include involvement of the Government of the Northwest Territories in housing, education and training, arts and crafts, tourism, transportation and industry. Also included are images documenting native land use, community activities, facilities, special events and people. Commissioners and the Council are particularly well documented, especially during the earlier period. Also extensively represented are Expo '86 and the Arctic Winter Games. Most were photographed by the Government Photographer, Audio Visual section, although some were purchased or acquired from other sources. Photographers include Mike Van Duffelen, Bob Wilson and Tessa Macintosh.

    Terrance Hunt fonds
    42 · Fonds · 1948-1956

    This fonds consists of 368 colour slides taken by Dr. Hunt between 1948 and 1956. The images were taken in the communities he visited in his capacity as a dentist. Communities depicted include Aklavik, Fort Rae, Fort Resolution, Fort McPherson, Fort Simpson, Tuktoyaktuk, Wrigley, Fort Smith, Coppermine and Old Crow. The images depict residents and buildings in these communities. Buildings depicted include Royal Canadian Mounted Police detachments, Hudson's Bay Company posts, Anglican Churches and Roman Catholic Churches. The fonds also includes images of Gwich'in, Dogrib, Inuvialuit, and Slavey peoples. There are some images of Inuvialuit dancers and drummers. A number of images were taken in Dr. Hunt's dental office and include close-ups of his dental equipment. There are also a number of images of reindeer herding and reindeer corrals in the Mackenzie Delta, and a buffalo hunt in Wood Buffalo National Park.

    Hunt, Terrance
    Terry Foster fonds
    393 · Fonds · 1972-2001

    This fonds consists of 374 images comprised of 167 colour slides, 115 colour photograph prints, 5 colour negatives (duplicates corresponding to 5 of the 115 prints in N-2009-006) and 87 b&w negatives. The photographs, taken by Foster, document several NWT communities in the 1970s and 80s, including Snare Lake (Wekweti), Holman, Fort Smith and Lac La Marte (Whati). There are also photographs from what is now Nunavut, including Iqaluit, Rankin Inlet, Lake Harbour (Kimmirut), and an outpost camp just outside Lake Harbour (Kimmirut). There are are 106 print photographs that document changes in Yellowknife's downtown core from 1978 - 2001. There are also several photographs from the Beaufort Sea which were taken while Foster was evaluating the impact of off-shore drilling on the nearby communities. Also included are nine colour photographs of the Lupin and Polaris mines at Resolute Bay, taken in 1980. Overall themes include mining, firefighting and fires, oil and gas exploration, community life, housing, fishing, aerial shots of communities, recovery of a float plane from Back Bay, the 1988 Yellowknife air show, tundra and foliage, and the 1972 solar eclipse in Rankin Inlet.

    Foster, Terry
    G-2007-044 · Accession · 1955-1986
    Part of Northwest Territories. Office of the Commissioner fonds

    Records date from 1955-1986 and consist of published reports. There are several reports on the Commissioner's tours of the arctic. There are also reports covering many topics including personnel management, administration, senior management conferences, the proposed Mackenzie Valley pipeline, employee housing, legal aid recommendations, settlement information in the Keewatin region, communities in the Inuvik region, housing and social environment, the administration of justice in the Hay River area, NWT economic prospects, labour standards and relations, and a proposed Great Slave National Park. There is also a travel brochure, a brochure commemmorating Marble Island, and two newsletters from the NWT Pavilion at Expo '86 in Vancouver, British Columbia.

    Terry Lines fonds
    402 · Fonds · 1966-1976

    This fonds contains photographs of a variety of northern communities, landmarks, activities and wildlife encountered by Terry Lines during his career as Game Officer and Superintendent of Fish and Wildlife between 1966 -1976. All photographs are colour, the mastercopies are slides.

    Lines, Terry
    Tom Alföldi fonds
    413 · Fonds · 1971

    The fonds consists of 343 photographs (b&w negatives) of various Northwest Territories communities and events, taken by Tom Alföldi during the summer of 1971. The images include ground views and aerial views of Inuvik, Tuktoyaktuk, Hay River, Yellowknife, and Tsiigehtchic. There are also images of the Northern Games which were held in Inuvik, showing dancing, drumming, rat skinning, seal skinning, tea making, blanket toss, and spectators.

    Alfoldi, Tom