Records relating to fisheries and wildlife management include those on the subjects of disease, endangered species, land use, predator control, trapping, hunting, fur production and harvesting data, hunting and trapping associations, environmental protection, land claims, trapper taxation, trapping standards, animal sightings, game management reports, registered trapping areas, pipelines, sport fishing and lake stocking, conservation education, national parks, territorial parks, preserves, sanctuaries and refuges. Records also include manuals, permits, licenses, newsletters, annual reports, strategic plans, and mandate documents relating to the operation of the Division. The wildlife management records include studies or records relating to falcons, gyrfalcons, geese, duck, swans, bears, bison, beaver, sheep, caribou, fox, reindeer, wolf, muskoxen, muskrat, marten, mink, wolverine, moose, hare, and arachnids (spiders). Policies and programs covered by this accession include the Guiding and Outfitting Policy, Community Freezer Program, Fur Program, Biodiversity Working Group, Fire Management Policy, Firearm Safety Instructor Course Program, Bathurst Management Planning Committee, and the Trapper Treeline Program. There are records relating to Trapper Training, Harvesters Assistance, Trapper Compensation, and interaction with COSEWIC, and the Fish and Wildlife Service Policy. Each region of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut is represented.
Please note that the Inuit are referred to as "Eskimos" in this file.
Northwest Territories. Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development. Wildlife and Fisheries division