The fonds consists of 2214 photographs (1232 black and white negatives, 982 colour negatives) created by both Gerry Reimann and Bob Wilson during the store’s operation. The photography is a mix of commissioned work, such as portrait or family photography, schools, businesses, organizations, or government work, and non-commissioned photography, such as community events or photography of YK Foto. Due to this, the commissioned work has multiple copyright holders, which are noted where appropriate.
YK FotoElements area
Scope note(s)
- Here are entered works relating to times of celebration, commemoration, and special events or ceremonies. Events may be of a serious or festive nature.
Source note(s)
Display note(s)
Hierarchical terms
Events and gatherings
Equivalent terms
Events and gatherings
- UF Special events
- UF Community celebrations
- UF Carnivals
- UF Jamborees
- UF Music festivals
- UF Ceremonies
- UF Commemorations