The colour slides depict community buildings (schools, churches, hospitals), people, scenery, activities and special events in the following communities: Hay River, Fort Simpson, Fort Norman, Rae, Port Radium, Lac La Martre, Fort Good Hope, Fort Franklin, Fort McPherson, Tuktoyaktuk, Yellowknife, Coppermine, Jean Marie River, Fort Liard, Nahanni region, Aklavik, Fort Resolution, Fort Smith, Fort Providence, Wrigley, Fort Fitzgerald, Arctic Red River, Reindeer Station, Whale Cove, Norman Wells, Iqaluit and Rocher River. In addition, 19 black and white photographs show children and housing conditions in Yellowknife and on Latham Island in 1969. There are also several images of Rae that portray people, the church, Treaty time and Chief Susie Bruneau. The majority of the films were produced by the Government of the Northwest Territories for different departments; the subject matter of the films deal with Prohibition in the North, education, the Mackenzie Bridge and life in the North.