Alcohol and drugs

Elements area



Scope note(s)

  • Here are entered works related to the sale, use and abuse of alcohol and other mind-altering substances, including legislation and education regarding alcohol and drugs.

Source note(s)

  • PAASH 2020 edition

Display note(s)

    Hierarchical terms

    Alcohol and drugs

    Equivalent terms

    Alcohol and drugs

    • UF Liquor

    Associated terms

    Alcohol and drugs

      24 Archival description results for Alcohol and drugs

      8 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
      Pine Point Hotel Liquor List
      N-2002-018 · Accession · [196-?]

      Records are comprised of one copy of a liquor list from the Pine Point Hotel circa 1967 with a menu for cocktails, wines, beers and liqueurs. On the back cover of the menu the Liquor License Regulations for the Northwest Territories are listed, including the legal drinking age of 21.

      Pine Point Hotel
      G-2024-022 · Accession · 1947-1954, 1983-2010
      Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Finance fonds

      Records include two surveys regarding the retail operations of the liquor system in Yellowknife (1990 and 2010), a proposal for a Northern Canada Liquor Corporation (1996), and documents related to the administration of the liquor system and the transfer of its operations to the territorial administration (1947-1954).

      Northwest Territories. Liquor Commission
      G-2014-027 · Accession · 1997-2001
      Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Finance fonds

      Records date from 1997-2001 and include a report detailing Division Implementation Plans for division costing for all departments, as well as a consultation report on Yellowknife retail liquor service and a review of the regulatory reform measures bill in respect to amendments to the Liquor Act.

      Northwest Territories. Department of Finance. Corporate Affairs division
      392 · Fonds · 1947-1954, 1978-2012

      This fonds includes records from the Directorate, including Ministerial and Deputy Minister Chronos and briefing books. It also includes records concerning the financial impact of division, including: proposals, workbooks, records of committees and executive summaries prepared by consultants. Also included in Directorate records are files relating to the purchase and transfer of the Northern Canada Power Commission to the GNWT.

      Also within this fonds are records from the Finance and Fiscal Policy Division. The files include records related to the financial negotiations between the federal government and the related stakeholders involved in the division of the Northwest Territories and the creation of Nunavut in 1999. Records also include files of the Division Special Committee Working Group and the Northern Representatives (NERN) Committee, transfer of financial responsibility of Arctic Airports and fire management programs from the federal to territorial government, files tracking the changes and negotiations regarding property, education and income taxation, as well as economic policy issue files.

      Records from the Corporate Affairs Division include files related to financial aspects of self-government agreements, amendments to the Liquor Act and Financial Administration Act, GNWT debt and borrowing, and a 1997 strategic plan for the department.

      Records from the Management Accounting Services division include an organizational review of the payroll and employee benefits functions and a report on the provision of payroll services to Boards of Education.

      Records from the Internal Audit Bureau include meeting packages of the Audit Committee, which provides oversight for the Bureau.

      As well, there are records from the NWT Liquor Commission, consisting of seven annual reports (38th to 44th, dated 1992-1998) from the Commission; correspondence regarding various issues with the public, appointments and revocations, and management of liquor warehouse and retail stores; reports related to surveys and planning; and correspondence and memos related to the transfer of administration of the liquor system to the territorial government. Records from the Liquor Licensing and Enforcement division include correspondence and notes from a public meeting in Yellowknife and a newsletter produced by the Liquor Licensing Board for licensees.

      The fonds also includes records from the Finance Information Systems Steering Committee (1979).

      Northwest Territories. Department of Finance (1975- )
      386 · Fonds · 1971-1978

      This fonds consists of approximately 9.5 cm of bound comic books and published reports produced by the Department of Social Development. The material dates from 1971 to 1977 and includes four bound comic books of Captain Alcohol, produced by the Alcohol Education Program of the Department in 1973. There are also several published reports on various topics such as correction services, health services, human resource planning and a cost of living study.

      Northwest Territories. Department of Social Development (1967-1977)
      G-1979-533 · Accession · 1960-1966
      Part of Northwest Territories. Department of the Executive fonds

      The accession is comprised of correspondence generated by Regional Administrators J.F. Delaute, Robert J. Orange, and F.B. Fingland, and Acting Regional Administrators H. Zukerman, (Regional Superintendent of Welfare) and C. E. McKee. The subject matter concerns the administration and implementation of the Liquor Ordinance and alcohol abuse problems at Frobisher Bay (Iqaluit).

      G-1999-030 · Accession · 1975-1991
      Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Public Works (1989-1993) fonds

      Records consist of minutes and agendas from Director's Meetings, Manager's Meetings, Staff Meetings, Systems and Computer Services Review Meetings, Micro Computer Users Group Meetings, Priorities and Planning Committee reports, organization charts from the department and reports on petroleum products and the liquor commission.

      G-2011-009 · Accession · 1976-1989
      Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Social Services fonds

      Records include files related to block funding, recruitment; transfer of responsibilites from federal government; day care services; family violence programs; young offenders; corrections; alcohol and drug programming; mental health programming; aged (seniors) and handicapped services and correspondence with regional authorities regarding program delivery.

      Northwest Territories. Department of Social Services. Directorate
      G-2022-022 · Accession · 1982, 1985-1986
      Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Justice and Public Services fonds

      Accession consists of an unofficial consolidation of Liquor Regulations, 1977 from 1986 and an unofficial consolidation of the Liquor Act from 1985. It also includes "Community Museums Policy of the Northwest Territories," a discussion paper written in 1982 by the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre Museum Advisor, Nicholas Tuele. A letter written by Bob Stevenson, Vice President of the Metis Association of the N.W.T is attached to the paper discussing the involvement of the Metis Association in the museums' operations and development. An interim report from the Dene Community Council on the Dene Language and Historical Research Project is also attached.

      The material has been divided into three series. Series A (sound recordings) has been subdivided into 3 sub-series. Series A, Sub-series 1 - consists of eight recordings (:0001 to :0008) of an alcohol workshop conducted by the Dene Nation at Snowdrift in 1980. Series A, Sub-series 2 - consists of three sound recordings (:0009 to :0011) of Dene fiddle, drum dance and hand game music recorded in Snowdrift in 1980. Series A, Sub-series 3 - consists of seventeen interviews conducted in 1980 (:0012 to :0028). Series B (text) consists one of administrative file on the Oral History Compendium and one file with summaries of three interviews. Series C (photographic) is a colour print (:0029) of Frank Tetcho and his wife Madelaine at Trout Lake.

      Northwest Territories. Department of Justice and Public Services. Museums and Heritage division. NWT Archives
      G-2021-012 · Accession · 2003-2012
      Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Justice fonds

      This accession consists of records relating to the Policy & Planning Division of the Department of Justice, including meeting minutes of the Senior Management Committee, agendas of the Executive Committee, departmental business plans, issue files, program planning materials, and briefing session materials for the 17th Legislative Assembly.